While it is positive that the covid-19 vaccines are finally rolling out across the world it may be some time yet before we get back to normal, recognizing the normal may have taken on a new appearance. Sadly the 2021 Alberta Pork Congress and the 2021 Alberta Livestock Expo that we have participated in were postponed for yet another year.
However, we are grateful for the ongoing support and loyalty we have seen throughout the pandemic and have come to appreciate the technological world we live in. Across the miles we conducted a poultry trial with participation from France, Australia and Alberta with great learnings on specific pathogen challenges.
Through another farm trial we also saw refined use of Staldren in one particular broiler barn with split applications
across the 34 days production cycle with great data on cull rates of birds, feed conversion rates and finish weights of the broilers.
Similarly we keep getting positive feed back from Staldren’s use in layer barns, farrowing barns, dairy stalls, calf barns and even with superior odor control in cat litter boxes.
This keeps us positive and enthused about our business motto of “Cleaner, Drier, Fresher Barns”
We also have a new phone number that allows easier access to us where ever we are, in Canada or overseas. It is an Alberta number 403-847-0800 and internet based, which is a great advancement. Feel free to give us a call to discuss the Staldren fit under your particular livestock enterprise.