There are a range of application choices available to suit user preference and the size of area to be treated.
Hand /Scoop
Most producers choose to spread Staldren by hand. It is safe to do this. Staldren is a pH neutral product with no skin irritation. A good handful is approximately 100 grams and serves as a useful guide for a per square meter application.
Spreader Bucket
A hand held bucket that spreads Staldren through adjustable slots in the bottom. A twist action of the wrist is used to spread the powder evenly over the floor. The hopper holds approximately 3 kg. In the closed position, the bucket can be used for hand application.
Vink Spreader
The Staldren ” Vink” spreader, is a great choice where Staldren needs to be applied along a long, consistently wide, area such as the back portion of a corridor of free stalls in a dairy barn, or an area along the feedpans or drinking nipples in a poultry barn. The Vink Spreader uses a re-chargeable drill to drive the spreader and has adjustable flow gates to alter spreading rates. This enables a precise amount to be applied after a little practice, varying walking speed and drill speed. For example if the chosen rate of Staldren is 80 grams per dairy free stall, then 8 kg of Staldren will treat 100 stalls.
Motorized Blower 
You will find the Staldren “Duster”, a backpack-style blower powered by a small engine, very easy to use. These machines are typically used in barns where the entire area (floor, walls and equipment) requires treatment. Applications vary from loose housing of dairy or beef, layer barns, or poultry grower barns. If an amount of 50 grams per square meter is chosen then 10 kg will treat 200 square meters. This technique blows powder into the air and creates some dust. It is advisable to wear a dust mask. Begin in the back end of the barn and work backwards towards the front to avoid being directly in the area just treated. The dust will settle relatively quickly.